Friday 11 August 2017

Moving average acca

ACCA vs CPA (AS): Mana yang Lebih Baik untuk Karir Anda pragya singh mengatakan Hi Stephanie, Terimakasih telah memberikan informasi detail tentang ACCA dan CPA. Di sini saya meninggalkan keraguan saya. Siswa kelas 2.187 m dari India dan saya ingin pergi ke AS untuk bekerja. Saya berencana untuk melakukan ACCA setelah lulus karena saya akan mendapatkan pengecualian di beberapa makalah dan juga saya dapat bekerja penuh waktu untuk mendapatkan pengalaman kerja. Untuk keanggotaan ACCA Tapi aku takut akan mendapat pekerjaan yang sangat bagus jika aku pindah ke AS. Jika aku mau bekerja sama dengan ACCA8230, itu akan membantu Stephanie Ng mengatakan Hi Pragya, terimakasih untuk catatanmu. Saya harus menekankan bahwa, bahkan jika Anda memiliki lisensi CPA, itu akan menjamin pekerjaan di AS. Oleh karena itu, jika tujuan utamanya adalah bekerja di AS, saya akan menetapkan tujuan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan di perusahaan besar yang berbasis di AS (misalnya Big 4) di negara Anda, melakukan pekerjaan yang sangat baik, dan mengatur transfer internal. Anda kemudian dapat mengambil BPA untuk meningkatkan kredensial Anda dan semoga kantor AS menyukai Anda cukup untuk harus bekerja secara permanen. Jika ACCA mampu membuka pintu kerja di perusahaan besar AS, maka pergilah untuk itu. Ok, pasar pakistan adalah pasar yang sangat kompetitif u tahu ada monopoli icap (paki ca) tapi yang sekarang hampir hilang karena pengakuan pasar dan popularitas acca dan badan akuntansi asing lainnya, sekarang kamu mengambil berita jika ada Akun pekerjaan terkait mereka akan meminta acca dengan pasti bahkan di sektor pemerintah itu sangat populer, bc fakta bahwa banyak orang bodoh saat lulus dengan baik, mereka lebih memilih untuk bekerja dalam praktik audit, hanya sedikit dari mereka yang datang ke sektor lain sehingga sebenarnya ada celah Yang paling nyaman dipenuhi oleh acca. Sekarang icap merasa itu dan yang paling lucu adalah pada tahun 2012 mereka mengurangi pengecualian kualifikasi akuntansi asing tapi sekarang mereka telah masuk ke mra dengan cima uk dan secara dramatis meningkatkan pengecualian cima di icap yang menurut saya jelas menunjukkan frustrasi mereka atas pengakuan Acca 82308230dalam kasus ini pergi ke cima uk8230. Semua yang terbaik Stephanie Ng mengatakan bahwa saya setuju bahwa bagi orang Pakistan yang berencana untuk tinggal di wilayah ini, mengambil rute ACCA CIMA lebih baik daripada mengikuti CPA AS. Ini jalan yang lebih mulus dan ACCA dikenal dengan baik di sana. Salam, Stephanie Hai, Apakah ada kesepakatan receprocal antara Institute of Chartered Accountabts of India dengan Badan Akuntansi profesional Stephanie Ng lainnya, saya kira begitu, Jay, tapi saya hanya mencakup CPA, CMA, CIA dan CFA. Saya kira ada kesepakatan timbal balik dengan mereka semua. Anda dapat memeriksa kualifikasi Kanada dan Australia. Salam, Stephanie Hei saya sedang belajar acca dan saya ingin tahu apakah saya akan memenuhi syarat untuk melakukan cpa setelah saya menyelesaikan acca saya. Karena saya mendengar bahwa acca itu setara dengan gelar magister, saya kurang yakin. Sayang berhenti berpikir abt cpa hanya acca lengkap dan mendapatkan pengalaman ada ppl yang tidak acca tidak cpa tapi mereka menghasilkan lebih dari keduanya. Ini bukan kualifikasi, bukan tentang Anda, keahlian apa yang Anda miliki? Acca adalah jauh lebih baik jika saya dari luar usa Ada gagasan tentang pengakuan ACCA8217 di India, atau CPA AS lebih baik untuk pertumbuhan karir di India, saya memiliki 15 tahun pengalaman, menginginkan satu kualifikasi untuk pertumbuhan karir, membingungkan antara ACCA dan CPA AS, Saya ingin bekerja di India saja. Stephanie Ng mengatakan bahwa Hi Ali, sejauh yang saya tahu, ACCA hanya diakui sebagai beberapa kursus akuntansi tambahan di 4-5 negara bagian. Papan negara telah berhenti mengenali ACCA sebagai gelar master8217 atau setara tahun yang lalu. Jika Anda memerlukan saran khusus tentang bagaimana Anda dapat memberi kredit pada kursus ACCA Anda, Leslie-Anne dapat membantu: ipassthecpaexamleslie-anne-rogers-expert-in-cpa-exam-qualification-services Salam, Stephanie Hi Stephanie, Saya telah menyelesaikan US CMA . Gagasan tentang pengakuan ACCA di India, atau CPA AS lebih baik untuk pertumbuhan karir di India, saya memiliki 15 tahun pengalaman, menginginkan satu kualifikasi untuk pertumbuhan karir, yang membingungkan antara ACCA dan CPA AS, saya ingin bekerja di India saja. ACCA memberikan 50 pengecualian untuk CMA AS, namun ingin mengetahui lingkup ACCA di India Stephanie Ng mengatakan Hi Jay, hal itu bergantung pada jenis perusahaan yang Anda rencanakan untuk bekerja di India. Bagi perusahaan lokal, saya pikir ACCA lebih baik karena ACCA telah ada di sekitar (di India) lebih lama dan secara umum ACCA lebih dikenal di negara-negara persemakmuran. Tetapi jika Anda ingin bekerja di perusahaan AS, jadilah kantor regional AS di India atau perusahaan lokal yang memiliki daftar publik (atau daftar potensial) di AS, mereka mencari profesional dengan pengetahuan GAAP AS dan memiliki gelar BPA AS berbeda keuntungan. Pertimbangan lainnya adalah ACCA membutuhkan waktu lebih lama bahkan jika Anda memiliki pengecualian CMA. Tetapi jika Anda tidak memiliki gelar master8217s, mungkin diperlukan waktu yang sama dan mungkin lebih banyak uang untuk mendapatkan kualifikasi CPA. Berikan dan terima untuk keduanya Terima kasih Stephanie. Saya tidak memiliki gelar magister, saya adalah B Com, CA Inter dan US CMA. Pertama, saya berpikir untuk menyelesaikan CA saya, tapi ini tidak mungkin dilakukan dengan pekerjaan saya, jadi dalam situasi sekarang, saya bermaksud menggunakan ACCA atau CPA, Stephanie Ng mengatakan bahwa saya melihat. Bagi BCOM CA, saya tidak yakin apakah Anda bisa memenuhi syarat dan Anda perlu mencari saran Leslie-Anne8217s. Dia bisa dihubungi di sini: ipassthecpaexamgocpaexcel-international Untuk ACCA, Anda harus baik dalam hal kualifikasi. Salam, Stephanie Halo saya murid acca dan saya mengikuti tiga kursus, sayangnya saya pindah ke usa tiga tahun yang lalu, jadi bagaimana bisa mengikuti kursus? Terima kasih Stephanie Ng mengatakan Jika Anda berencana untuk tinggal di AS dalam jangka panjang, Desalegne , Masuk akal untuk menggunakan peruntukan CPA AS. Salam, Stephanie apa maksudmu bagaimana bisa. Acca memiliki pusat ujian di usa juga, kamu bisa menyelesaikannya di sana tapi jika kamu mau bekerja hanya di usa daripada pergi untuk cpa sebagai cpa adalah badan hukum di usa tapi jika kamu berencana untuk pindah ke luar daripada acca. Kombinasi antara acca dan cma akan bagus di AS. Saya anggota ACCA yang memiliki 5 tahun pengalaman kerja dalam audit dan akuntansi. Saya juga memiliki gelar sarjana 3 tahun. Apakah cukup untuk mendaftar di kursus CPA di Amerika Serikat. Selain itu, semoga saya melamar visa pelajar AS untuk kursus CPA. Looking forward untuk balasan Anda Terima Kasih Parash Stephanie Ng mengatakan Hi Parash, saya khawatir Anda mungkin tidak dapat memenuhi syarat pada saat ini, tapi mungkin Leslie-Anne dapat menemukan jalan untuk Anda dengan kredit ACCA Anda. Silahkan baca posting ini dan kemudian menghubungi Leslie-Anne. Kontaknya ada di bagian bawah halaman: ipassthecpaexamindian-bcom-ca-holders-for-us-cpa-exam Hey listen. Meskipun dia menyebutkan membutuhkan gelar 4 tahun di beberapa negara di luar AS. Mereka hanya menawarkan 3 thn bujangan. Namun ini tidak membuatnya kurang dari 4 tahun. Mungkin hanya berdasarkan pada sistem pendidikan. Jadi saya membaca apa yang dia katakan tapi saya akan mengeceknya kembali Stephanie Ng berkata Lagi, tidak perlu mempercayai apa yang saya katakan. Beberapa orang mempertanyakan mengapa saya bersikap negatif terhadap pemegang ACCA. Saya tidak memiliki apa-apa untuk menahan mereka sebenarnya, saya yakin ACCA kemungkinan lebih ketat daripada ujian CPA. Ini bukan masalah pribadi tapi orang harus tahu bahwa di AS, ACCA tidak begitu dikenal di India atau negara-negara persemakmuran lainnya. Kandidat harus selalu mengecek sendiri. Jika Anda menemukan cara untuk mendapatkan lisensi (bukan hanya untuk mengikuti ujian, tapi untuk akhirnya mendapatkan lisensi) dengan ACCA saja, saya senang mengetahui bagaimana Anda melakukannya. Salam, Stephanie Yang dimaksud I8217m bukan tentang meragukan apa yang telah Anda nyatakan. Sementara saya percaya bahwa Anda menunjukkan lebih banyak pengetahuan tentang BPA dan sistem pendidikan Amerika. Ini juga menyoroti bahwa ada banyak hal yang tidak ditangkap orang-orang di luar AS. Namun itu bisa dimengerti. Apa yang saya katakan hanya berdasarkan apa yang telah saya pelajari di negara saya, tingkat kita semua adalah 3 tahun namun mencakup jumlah kredit yang sama dengan 4 juta yang membuatnya setara. Jadi jika berdasarkan apa yang Anda nyatakan, bujangan mungkin cukup untuk masuk maka ada kemungkinan bujangan orang ini mungkin cukup. Hanya untuk menyatakan lagi, aku hanya mencoba menambahkan apa yang telah Anda katakan dan apa yang telah saya nyatakan bukan fakta. Makanya alasan saya bilang cek ganda. Stephanie Ng bilang Tentu L, mungkin saja, dan saya mengerti bahwa tidak adil untuk menolak sebuah aplikasi hanya karena ini adalah gelar 3 tahun. Bisa dipercepat seperti yang Anda katakan. Intinya adalah: cek dengan dewan negara atau dapatkan laporan evaluasi Hei saya baru saja menyelesaikan gelar sarjana saya di India dan menyelesaikan 4 makalah dalam ilmu pengetahuan tapi saya ingin pindah dari india untuk pekerjaan. Kursus mana yang harus saya persalkan yang akan memberi saya gaji yang bagus dan pekerjaan standar yaitu ACCA atau CPA itu tergantung di mana Anda ingin pindah ke jika Anda ingin pindah ke usa daripada pergi ke cpa jika Anda ingin bekerja di luar usa daripada acca yang lebih dikenal luas. hope ini membantu Stephanie Ng mengatakan Hai Subham, menurut pendapat saya, mendapatkan kualifikasi profesional tidak akan menjamin bayaran yang bagus, atau bahkan menjamin pekerjaan. Hanya ingin memastikan Anda memiliki harapan yang realistis. Jika Anda masih tertarik, maka Anda harus memutuskan berdasarkan di mana Anda akan bekerja dalam jangka panjang, seperti yang disarankan di atas. Salam, Stephanie Hai saya ingin tahu apakah saya setuju untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan di negara-negara eropa lainnya seperti Prancis, Jerman atau swizerland. Apakah acca yang diterima di negara-negara eropa lainnya adalah fakta bahwa setiap negara memilikinya memiliki kualifikasi akuntansi sendiri karena ada hambatan bahasa di perancis dan jerman untuk orang luar, Anda harus fasih berbahasa mereka (Anda harus mencari perusahaan dengan bahasa Inggris sebagai pejabat Bahasa) dan ya acca sangat dikenal di eropa, karena ini adalah kualifikasi yang benar-benar global Stephanie Ng mengatakan Ya, itu bagus. ACCA bukan 8220recognized8221 di benua Eropa. Kami memiliki anggota ACCA dan CMACIMA yang bekerja di Eropa, namun mereka termasuk dalam satu dari 2 kategori. 1. ACCA memenuhi syarat dan Anda mentransfer dari perusahaan Inggris Anda ke anak perusahaan di Jerman atau Prancis. Dalam hal ini Anda sudah memiliki pekerjaan dan ACCA Anda akan mendapatkan transfer Anda. 2. Anda orang Eropa dan Anda belajar ACCA di samping kualifikasi lokal Anda. ACCA melengkapi kualifikasi lokal Anda dan membuat Anda lebih berharga untuk perusahaan internasional di Eropa. Jika Anda bukan dari Eropa dan Anda tidak pindah ke perusahaan Inggris di Eropa, Anda memerlukan kualifikasi lokal seperti expert comptable, BiBu, Wirtschaftspruefer, jika tidak, Anda tidak akan mendapatkan pekerjaan di bidang akuntansi. Stephanie: Menurut saya perbandingan Anda sangat bagus. Menurut pengalaman saya, BPA AS selalu dipandang lebih bergengsi daripada ACCA. Stephanie Ng mengatakan Senang mengetahui Gunner. Saya mendapat banyak pertanyaan tentang ACCA vs CPA dan qualificatoins AS lainnya. Saya melakukan analisis di atas berdasarkan pada berbicara dengan orang-orang yang saya tahu dan melalui penelitian yang cukup ekstensif, namun saya tidak memiliki pengalaman pribadi untuk mendukungnya dan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan lanjutan. Umpan balik dari Anda dan pembaca lainnya sangat membantu. Salam, Stephanie oh Umum Jelas ada transfer di dalam perusahaan, Yang terhormat adalah ACCA yang dikenal luas di Eropa. Negara-negara Persemakmuran tidak merasa sama dengan CPA (usa) CPa adalah lisensi untuk terlibat dalam praktik publik di AS dimana ACCA adalah Sesuatu yang Global adalah lisensi untuk Terlibat dalam praktik publik di Inggris Tetapi juga menawarkan lisensi praktik Global untuk melakukan praktik publik tetapi tidak melakukan audit eksternal di luar Inggris sekarang ini adalah sesuatu yang membuat ACCA lebih menarik berarti lisensi ACCA berarti Anda memiliki nilai Hukum Di 170 negara. CPA dan ACCA r yang berusia lebih dari 100 tahun ini tidak membuat orang lebih unggul daripada yang lain memiliki klasemen hukum di Negara-negara tertentu namun ACCA memiliki lebih banyak perbedaan Stephanie Ng mengatakan Usman, saya menghormati pandangan Anda, namun saya harus mengatakan bahwa saya cenderung untuk Setuju dengan Gunner Saya bisa melihat nilai ACCA di India, Pakistan dan beberapa negara persemakmuran, tapi Eropa setidaknya tidak seperti yang dikatakan rekan-rekan saya di Eropa. Tidak ada yang pribadi Stephanie Ng mengatakan Hi Sandeep, benar-benar menjawab pertanyaan Anda karena saya hanya meliput CPA AS, tapi menurut saya hal itu dikenal di Swiss misalnya. Salam, Stephanie halo, sangat berterima kasih. Saya akan mengambil CPA dan belajar mandiri. Tapi sebelum aplikasi, saya ingin bertanya di mana saya bisa mendapatkan contoh kertas ujian gratis untuk kedua cpa dan acca Stephanie Ng mengatakan Hi K, untuk CPA, Anda dapat mendaftar untuk uji coba gratis dan merasakan seperti apa rasanya belajar. Untuk ujian ini Gleim, CPAexcel dan Roger memiliki percobaan gratis: kursus ujian ujian ipassthecpaexamcpa yang tidak saya sadari benar-benar mencakup ACCA 8212 atas permintaan maaf saya, saya tidak dapat membantu dengan itu. Anda dapat memeriksa opentuition atau accaglobal untuk makalah ACCA Stephanie Ng mengatakan Halo ma8217m. Kursus review mana yang Anda sarankan untuk mempersiapkan acca Im dari India dan akan pergi ke Kanada pada bulan Mei tahun depan untuk kursus diploma pascasarjana 2 tahun. Saya ingin tahu akan membantu saya di Kanada karena saya berencana untuk belajar dan bekerja di sana dalam waktu dekat. Juga saya sedikit bingung tentang cma dan acca mana yang akan dipakai untuk Plus akan membantu saya baik di Kanada maupun India jika saya mengganti pekerjaan saya dan mohon sarankan kursus review untuk acca. Terima kasih banyak Di Kanada, sebutan akuntansi adalah Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA Canada). Pada tahun 2014, tiga badan akuntansi Kanada, yaitu CA, CMA, CGA disatukan dengan spanduk Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA Canada) baru. Jadi jika Anda ingin datang ke Kanada, belajarlah sebentar dan bekerja di Kanada di masa depan. Saran terbaik adalah duduk mengikuti ujian CPA Canada. Saya akan mengakui bahwa baik AICPA maupun ACCA adalah peruntukan akuntansi yang bagus yang patut diupayakan. Namun, jika tujuan Anda adalah Kanada, memilih yang lokal akan menjadi pilihan pertama. Bagi ACCA, saya tahu bahwa saat ini ACCA dan CGA Canada memiliki kesepakatan saling pengakuan yang akan memungkinkan anggota penuh setiap anggota untuk bergabung dengan yang lain. Perhatikan di sini adalah bahwa anggota dewan 8221 tidak termasuk siswa. Juga, seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya bahwa sekarang CGA, CA dan CMA digabungkan. Tidak akan ada jaminan bahwa di masa depan, MOU yang ada akan tetap berjalan. Jadi jika Anda setengah jalan di studi ACCA Anda atau baru mulai sedikit. Sebaiknya pertimbangkan untuk mengikuti ujian CPA Kanada untuk mendapatkan BPA Kanada. Bagi AICPA, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa Ms. Ng melakukan karya bagus di situs ini. Saya tahu orang-orang dari Kanada dapat pergi ke Amerika untuk duduk di CPA CPA AS dan akan lebih ekonomis daripada terbang dari negara lain. Jadi jika Anda berencana untuk belajar di Kanada, ini juga akan memberi Anda kesempatan untuk mengajukan CPA AS. Saya tahu bahwa sebelum penyatuan badan akuntansi di Kanada, jika anggota lengkap BPA AS dari negara-negara AS yang diakui datang ke Kanada, heshe bisa mengikuti ujian timbal balik untuk menjadi CA Kanada. Sekali lagi, setelah penyatuan, saya tidak yakin perkembangan masa depan dari jalur ujian timbal balik ini. Stephanie Ng mengatakan Hi 8220noname8221, terima kasih banyak atas klarifikasinya. Jadi saya kira itu masih agak tidak diketahui dalam hal apakah kesepakatan bersama sebelumnya masih berlaku. Selain itu, untuk menjadi CPA Kanada, orang tersebut perlu melalui pendidikan secara lokal (di Kanada). Ini sangat berbeda dengan yang ada di AS. Salam, Stephanie Halo Stephanie ma8217m, saya harus mengatakan bahwa Anda melakukan pekerjaan yang bagus di sini untuk menasihati orang-orang dengan pertanyaan untuk berbagai kursus. Saya sangat menghargai usaha balasan tepat waktu terhadap pertanyaan orang lain. Terus bekerja dengan baik. Terima kasih. Stephanie Ng mengatakan Senang untuk membantu Saurabh telah berada di sana 8212 untuk menentukan kualifikasi mana yang harus dikejar dan karir mana yang harus diambil benar-benar merupakan keputusan besar untuk dibuat.230 Luangkan waktu Anda untuk mengumpulkan informasi dan tetap bagus sekalipun di atasnya. Kembalilah kapan saja jika Anda memerlukan bantuan. Semoga beruntung Stephanie halo noname. Terima kasih banyak atas jawaban anda Anda tentu menjelaskannya secara rinci. Dalam satu kalimat Anda bahkan mengatakan bahwa jika Anda ingin datang ke Canada8230. Ini agak menyiratkan bahwa Anda juga bekerja di Kanada kurasa jadi Anda pasti sangat menyadari proses cpa Canada secara keseluruhan. Tapi karena kita bisa melihat kriteria kelayakan dan persyaratan pengalaman sangat membingungkan di Cpa Canada dibandingkan dengan acca. Dan seperti yang saya katakan, saya akan belajar studi akuntansi dalam kursus pascasarjana pascasarjana dua tahun saya di sana, jadi saya pikir saya bisa memenuhi syarat untuk memenuhi salah satu kriteria kelayakan untuk memasuki Cpa C. Tetapi sejauh menyangkut saya, saya merasa bingung untuk pergi Ini termasuk pelajaran yang akan saya pelajari secara aka, kurang lebih sama dengan pelajaran yang saya pelajari di kursus studi akuntansi saya. Jadi, saya tidak tahu bagaimana sertifikasi bisa membantu saya jika diploma saya bersama pewawancara bertanya kepada saya bahwa apa tujuan mempelajari topik serupa lagi Jadi, tolong bantu saya di sini. ACCA atau US CMA atau CPA CANADA. which yang paling banyak membantu saya jika saya memikirkan kombinasi subjek yang akan terlihat lebih fleksibel dan harus membenarkan resume saya dan masuk akal kepada pewawancara secara khusus Terima kasih banyak atas nama saya. Ahli untuk ini Tapi saya pikir jika orang yang telah memperoleh BPA AS sebelum berimigrasi ke Kanada mungkin memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan CPA Kanada, CA setelah mengikuti ujian. Saya mencatat tampaknya tidak semua negara bagian di AS tercakup dalam MOU yang ada. Juga di sini adalah link dari sebuah situs web dan berisi sesuatu tentang bagaimana CA Kanada akan mendapatkan US CPA: cpa-now. caiqex. php Saya tidak terkejut bahwa Anda akan sedikit bingung saat Anda merujuk ke situs web karena akan ada Menjadi ton informasi yang disampaikan yang akan relevan dengan berbagai pengunjung tamu. Jika Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang bagaimana memulai CPA Kanada, Anda dapat terlebih dahulu pergi ke: cpacanada. caenthe-cpa-professioncpa-provinsi-dan-regional-accounting-bodies Kemudian pilih provinsi manapun, misalnya Albert, klik tombol Tombol akan membiarkan Anda ke badan BPA provinsi: cpaalberta. ca Kemudian di halaman ini, klik 8220Becoming a CPA8221, lalu tiga panel akan ditampilkan, klik 8220Getting Started8221, maka Anda akan menuju halaman lain yang akan mencantumkan persyaratan untuk masuk. CPA Kanada memiliki beberapa tahap: (1) PREP: baca saja halaman di atas dan Anda akan tahu, secara umum, ini adalah untuk seseorang yang ingin mengejar sebutan, namun entah bagaimana kekurangan isi tertentu, misalnya dengan non-akuntansi Gelar, dengan gelar internasional, dll. Ke sisi kanan halaman, dan klik PREP, maka mereka akan memberi tahu Anda bagaimana cara melakukannya (2) PEP: ini untuk siswa yang telah lulus PREP atau berdasarkan sebelumnya Pendidikan, pengalaman, dll, dikecualikan dari PREP. Pada tahap ini, Anda mungkin perlu menulis 6 ujian (Core 1 dan 2) ditambah 2 ujian (Elective1 dan 2) ditambah 2 modul pembelajaran (Capstone 1 dan 2) dan ujian tiga hari terakhir untuk menyelesaikan bagian ujian Anda. (3) Bekerja selama 36 bulan lagi (saya tidak yakin tentang panjangnya) untuk mendapatkan sebutan Anda. Seperti yang Anda lihat, mendapatkan CPA Kanada tidaklah mudah. Jadi sekali lagi, mungkin lebih baik mempertimbangkan perkembangan masa depan Anda sebelum mengambil keputusan untuk mengikuti berbagai ujian peruntukan akuntansi tersebut. Jika Anda berada di India, mengapa tidak mengambil CA India Berdasarkan pengetahuan saya, India CA adalah sebuah perumusan yang sangat bergengsi dan tunduk pada standar tertinggi. Kemudian cobalah untuk mendapatkan BPA AS di masa depan untuk menambahkan nilai lebih jika paparan pekerjaan masa depan Anda akan mencakup lebih banyak klien AS. Jika Anda berencana untuk datang dan menetap di Amerika Utara, CPA Kanada dan BPA AS akan menjadi keharusan karena seseorang berhadapan dengan SAK dan pihak lainnya berurusan dengan GAAP A. S. Ketika topik berubah menjadi ACCA, saya pikir ACCA juga merupakan perumusan akuntansi yang hebat dan di Asia Pasifik, Eropa dan negara-negara kaya lainnya banyak orang mengejar ACCA. Kembali ke hari tua, ujian ACCA didasarkan pada kertas dan saya tidak yakin apakah mereka telah melakukan tes komputerisasi sekarang. Seperti CPA Kanada, Anda akan mendapatkan banyak sekali memo teknis, jadwal perhitungan dan laporan untuk ditulis sebelum Anda bisa lulus. Untuk BPA AS, harus diakui kecuali Amerika Serikat, tampaknya semua negara lain sekarang menggunakan standar IFRS atau sejenisnya. Sehingga karakteristik tertentu membuat BPA AS lebih bernilai. Seperti yang dikatakan, sebelum Anda dapat menonton pertandingan, belilah tiket pertama, benar Namun, bagian tersulit dari BPA AS adalah bahwa banyak negara adalah satu tingkat sehingga bisa berarti gelar dan lisensi CPA AS dianggap sebagai salah satu kepemilikan Sebelum Anda dapat menulis BPA setelah nama Anda. Melewati ujian tanpa lisensi sama seperti Anda membayar harganya tapi tiket terjual habis. Mungkin saya salah di sini karena saya bukan ahli dalam hal ini. Salam, Stephanie Ng mengatakan Pada poin terakhir Anda, Noname, Anda benar sekali. Melewati ujian tanpa mendapatkan lisensi sedikit pun berharga akhir-akhir ini. Ini adalah salah satu poin terpenting yang saya sampaikan kepada semua orang di situs ini. Terima kasih atas info tentang aplikasi CPA Kanada. Saya mendapatkan lebih banyak pertanyaan mengenai hal ini dan lebih baik bagi saya untuk mendapatkan pemahaman dasar juga. Ceria, Stephanie tidak memberi nama, saya dalam dilema sejak beberapa hari mengikuti kursus dan tidak memiliki orang yang memiliki pengetahuan mendalam tentang mereka. Jadi, seperti selalu menemukan jalan melalui blog stephanie mam8217s Dan coba tebak apa yang tidak saya harapkan untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang tepat seperti itu dari Anda tanpa nama, jadi agak gembira karena mendapatkan solusi saat mengetik terlalu banyak hanya untuk memudahkan pekerjaan beberapa tahun tidak berarti banyak, jadi terima kasih banyak Toh kembali ke topik Seperti yang Anda katakan, Ya, CA India adalah kualifikasi bergengsi tapi saya tidak akan tinggal lama di sini sehingga tidak akan bisa menyelesaikannya. Karena mengharuskan Anda untuk melewati BPA pertama, maka grup ipcc 1 dan grup 2 kemudian 3 tahun kapal artikel di bawah CA kemudian seseorang harus memecahkan ujian utama. Tentu sebagian besar kualifikasi akuntansi memerlukan proses yang sama sehingga tidak banyak bedanya jika saya mempertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan CA atau ACCA. Tapi seperti yang kita lihat, Canada cpa memiliki banyak proses yang mengharuskan Anda menginvestasikan waktu dan banyak uang sehingga sekarang saya bisa memutuskan antara acca atau US cma. Sebagai keputusan yang sangat penting dan harus diambil untuk mengevaluasi semua faktor untuk menghindari kekacauan jangka panjang. Jadi, jika saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke AS, saya akan mendapatkan materi tinjauan gleim8217 untuk belajar mandiri dan jika saya memutuskan untuk memperolehnya maka saya akan memikirkan kaplan atau Media pembelajaran bpp Semuanya diatur, tapi saya harus berterima kasih tidak ada nama dan stephanie mam untuk waktu dan pemikiran Anda. Saya sangat menghargai bantuan Anda 1 saran tidak ada nama yang harus memiliki nama di sini sehingga kami dapat terhubung dengan Anda lebih jauh. Sorak-sorai Saya tahu komentar saya panjang dan jika Anda merasa ada sedikit gangguan dari topik di halaman ini. Tolong beritahu saya Stephanie Ng mengatakan bahwa saya baru saja menulis sebuah posting singkat tentang perkembangan terakhir di CPA Canada. Noname, akan senang komentar Anda ipassthecpaexamhow-to-be-cpa-in-canada Sama seperti Anda, saya juga bukan keahlian seperti itu dalam topik yang begitu luas. Menurut saya orang yang menunjukkan minat di CPA Kanada harus menghubungi masing-masing badan akuntansi untuk mendapatkan informasi rinci. Karena masing-masing orang akan memiliki latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman yang unik sehingga membangun kontak dengan badan regional dan memberi tahu mereka bahwa ceritanya dapat memperlancar proses aplikasi. Sepertinya BPA Kanada tidak memerlukan gelar master untuk mengikuti ujian. Saya bertanya-tanya apakah seorang pria dengan gelar master di bidang akuntansi mendaftar, akankah ada pembebasan dari ujian tersebut. Pokoknya semakin banyak orang mengenal Anda semakin mereka dapat memberikannya. Stephanie Ng bilang ya tepatnya. Pos saya hanya untuk menyusun dasar-dasarnya dan orang harus menghubungi badan akuntansi provinsi untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut. Salam, stephanie Sangat menyesal membahas tentang beberapa kualifikasi lainnya karena blog ini dimaksudkan untuk pembahasan hanya kursus acca vs cpa (AS). Permintaan maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini Stephanie Ng mengatakan Tidak masalah Saurabh Saya yakin pembaca tertarik untuk mengetahui kualifikasi yang relevan juga. Jangan ragu untuk kembali jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut sepanjang perjalanan. Ceria, Stephanie Saya membaca balasan Anda dan saya pikir CMA yang Anda maksud bukan CIMA UK tapi CMA AS. Saya sarankan Anda membaca blog Stephanie8217 yang membandingkan keduanya. Saya bertanya-tanya apakah Anda sudah memiliki gelar sarjana sekarang Karena saya ingat bahwa Anda telah menyebutkan diploma 2 tahun sebelumnya. Jika tidak, per link di atas nampaknya Anda tidak akan memenuhi persyaratan pendidikan CMA AS. Di sisi lain, sepertinya CIMA UK tidak memerlukan gelar sarjana untuk memulai. Berdasarkan pengetahuan saya, ujian CIMA dari Inggris sangat menantang, menarik dan terpuji. Kenapa tidak pakai CIMA Hello no name, Ya saya memang memegang gelar sarjana di bidang administrasi bisnis. Dan karena saya telah melalui konten kursus, saya mengetahui bahwa ACCA, dilengkapi dengan baik dan juga mencakup bagian-bagian Manajemen Acconting. CIMA sebagian besar berfokus pada Management Acconting. ACCA mencakup Hukum, Perpajakan, Pengukuran Kinerja, Pelaporan Perusahaan, Audit, Tata Kelola Perusahaan, Analisis Bisnis dan studi mendalam lainnya saat Anda melanjutkan studi terakhir. Ini pasti akan memberi pengusaha perspektif bisnis yang lebih luas saat saya berencana memulai bisnis startup suatu saat nanti. Saya harus mengakui bahwa saya sedikit bingung seperti jika Anda memegang gelar sarjana (apakah ini empat tahun 120 jam kredit satu), mengapa Anda menyebutkan bahwa Anda akan pergi untuk diploma 2 tahun di Kanada tahun depan babur Ismail mengatakan Hai Saya Babur baru-baru ini pindah ke imigran USA Saya melakukan tugas b, MA Economic dan sekarang mengerjakan modul keterampilan Acca, saya memiliki pengalaman audit dua tahun sebagai trainee audit, sekarang pindah ke USA tolong beri saran bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan saya di perusahaan audit, bagaimana saya Bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan profesi saya, atau entah saya akan mengikuti kualifikasi CPA sebagai kualifikasi yang berbasis di AS, tolong beri saya saran untuk membantu, tentang pekerjaan saya n kerja terima kasih salam Stephanie Ng mengatakan Hi Barbur, mungkin lebih baik jika Anda berbicara dengan seorang profesional. Perekrut pekerjaan berburu Robert Half mengkhususkan diri dalam bidang akuntansi dan keuangan jika Anda memerlukan sebuah nama. Ada juga banyak perekrut yang bisa Anda hubungi di Linkedin. Salam, Stephanie Berdasarkan pengantar singkat yang diberikan oleh Anda, saya sangat menyarankan Anda untuk mengikuti ujian AICPA (yaitu ujian A. S.CPA) yang dilakukan secepatnya. Sepertinya Anda memiliki gelar sarjana dan juga gelar magister (jika MA mengacu pada Guru) dan dengan dua gelar mungkin lebih mudah untuk memenuhi syarat untuk 150 peraturan pendidikan jam kredit oleh AICPA. Meskipun saya tahu ACCA (Asosiasi Akuntan Bersertifikat Chartered, Inggris) adalah seperangkat akuntansi terpuji, namun, berdasarkan pengetahuan saya, pengetahuan tersebut tidak dikenal secara luas di Amerika Serikat. Saya tidak mengerti apa singkatan modul keterampilan ACCA, namun, saya mengerti bahwa Anda telah berkali-kali melakukan dan melakukan upaya di dalamnya. Meskipun benar-benar menghargai kerja keras Anda, saya tetap berpikir menempatkan AICPA sebagai prioritas pertama adalah pilihan cerdas karena AICPA adalah satu-satunya peruntukan akuntansi yang diakui secara lokal di Amerika. Dan jika saya tidak salah, menurut saya ujian ACCA tidak akan menguji PAJAK A. S. dan undang-undang dan peraturan bisnis seperti AICPA. Namun, peraturan Perpajakan A. S. merupakan keharusan jika Anda mencoba masuk ke dalam profesional amp akuntansi akuntansi di Amerika. Stephanie Ng mengatakan hal itu benar 8212 Saya yakin hanya tes CPA AS Perpajakan AS Taiyeba Khan mengatakan Hi Stephanie Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa akuntansi yang disewa dari India yang saat ini berada pada tingkat akhir dan bertujuan untuk menetap di Amerika Serikat setelah mendapatkan gelar CA saya. Saya memiliki kecenderungan kuat dalam bidang perpajakan tidak langsung dan saya ingin bekerja di bidang ini. Pertanyaan saya adalah apakah saya harus memilih US CPA atau ACCA dan apakah saya harus mengejar gelar master saya dari tingkat akuntansi hanya dari India atau dari AS karena saya belum mendaftarkan diri ke m India dan hanya memiliki gelar sarjana di bidang perdagangan Terima kasih sebelumnya Stephanie Ng mengatakan Hi Taiyeba, saya harus mengatakan ACCA dan CA India tidak benar-benar diakui di AS, namun kemudian mendapatkan kualifikasi AS seperti CPA juga tidak menjamin pekerjaan di AS. Mungkin Anda bisa menetapkan tujuan Anda dalam bekerja di pajak internasional karena lebih mudah Anda pindah ke kantor regional di AS, jika Anda bekerja di perusahaan global. Lalu, cari tahu kualifikasi apa yang paling dicari untuk pekerjaan itu. Anda mungkin bahkan tidak memerlukan kualifikasi 8212 hanya melakukan pekerjaan yang sangat baik dapat membawa Anda ke rute itu. Semoga beruntung Stephanie Taiyeba khan bilang terima kasih banyak ma8217am Untuk India CA: Jika Anda berada di tahap akhir, dapatkan CA terlebih dahulu. Saya tahu India CA sebenarnya adalah penunjukan akuntansi paling sulit di dunia dan mencapai India CA dapat membuat diri Anda bangga sekaligus menjadikan Anda seorang profesional sejati. Untuk ACCA: Jika tujuan Anda adalah bekerja dan menetap di Negara Bagian, Acca tidak disarankan sebagai sebutan akuntansi yang diakui secara lokal di Amerika, sayangnya, tidak termasuk Acca. Bagi USCPA: A must-have jika Anda ingin meningkatkan karir Anda di Amerika Utara dalam jangka panjang. Juga seorang Uscpa mungkin mendapat kesempatan untuk menulis ujian timbal balik untuk mendapatkan CPA Kanada jika Anda telah memperoleh Uscpa Anda (maksud saya akuntan publik berlisensi (bukan penulis ujian yang sukses) di papan negara AS yang diakui oleh CPA Kanada) sebelum Anda menjadi permanen Penduduk Kanada Untuk Master Degree: Hal ini diperlukan karena persyaratan ujian USCPA dan aplikasi lisensi berikutnya memerlukan 150 jam kredit (persyaratan terperinci untuk jam akuntansi dan jam kerja dapat ditemukan di situs web dewan akuntansi individu atau di blog web yang indah ini) yang biasanya tidak dapat Dicapai dengan gelar sarjana tunggal. Namun, memilih program master yang benar adalah pertanyaan kompleks lainnya. Mengatakan itu karena saya tidak mengetahui peraturan rinci mengenai evaluasi kredensial. Dengan asumsi seseorang membutuhkan waktu 2 tahun untuk mendapatkan master akuntansi namun kemudian ternyata bahwa kredit yang diperoleh dari program ini tidak dikenali oleh dewan negara tertentu. Bagaimana menangani hal yang tidak saya ketahui. Namun saya berpikir sebuah penelitian mengenai topik ini dapat membantu seseorang memanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya program master yang belum dimulai. Untuk Ayub: Tidak ada yang bisa menjamin pekerjaan kepada siapa-siapa, tidak masalah jenis sebutan yang bagus yang Anda punya. Namun, pengalaman dengan penetapan yang diakui secara lokal dapat dianggap sebagai aset oleh pengusaha lokal. Semoga sukses untukmu Hai Saat ini saya sedang melakukan ACCA di Nepal. Saya telah menyelesaikan 4 makalah mendasar saya. Saya sangat tertarik untuk belajar di AS. Saya menyelesaikan level A saya dan dan melakukan ACCA sekarang. Jadi, masalah utama saya adalah bagaimana saya bisa mengejar surat-surat saya yang tersisa di AS bagaimana saya bisa mengajukan permohonan agar saya dapat melanjutkan surat-surat saya yang tersisa setelah saya masuk AS Apakah saya harus melakukan program sarjana lainnya juga jika ya, maka tidak ada gunanya bagi saya dalam Pindah ke sana Helo, saya adalah afiliasi abdullah dan ACCA dan saya ingin tahu tentang pembebasan CPA untuk afiliasi ACCA dan pembebasan ACCA untuk CPA yang berkualitas, Selanjutnya saya telah mendengar tentang CPA USA, CPA Australia, CPA Canada, saya bingung. Mohon membimbing saya Jika Anda sudah menjadi afiliasi ACCA mengapa Anda masih perlu mengetahui pembebasan yang diberikan oleh ACCA untuk USCPA Jika Anda mencoba untuk mendapatkan pengecualian ujian untuk USCPA dengan menggunakan sebutan ACCA yang Anda miliki, sayangnya saya belum pernah mendengar ada ujian Pembebasan pemegang ACCA untuk menulis ujian USCPA. Saya sangat menyarankan Anda untuk menavigasi ke halaman depan blog web ini dan membaca NG8217s publikasi lainnya mengenai apa itu Uscpa Cara mendapatkan Uscpa Untuk CPA Austrilia dan CPA Kanada, hal ini paling diminati bagi orang-orang yang bekerja atau berencana untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Negara. I heard of that Austrilia CPA may can be pursued outside Austrillia, but Canada CPA most probably can only be attempted in Canada. If you plan to work in a particular country, say country A, then get a country A locally recognized accounting designation is the first priority. Hi Stephanie and Noname, I am 38 yeear old. I have done M from India. After that I have worked with aCA in India for a year. I have also workedwitha CPA in the US for a year. Its been 4 years since I stopped working. I have forgotten everything whatall I learnt when I was working. I was never career conscious but now I want to build my career. I dont know where to start from. I was thinking of doing ACCA. do u think it will help to get a good job. I am all confused. I was thinking of another option. Start working witha CA again for a year to ger some knowledge and experience. N thentryin MNCs. After that apply for Acca. Please suggest In addition to my query. I want to go for some professional course that can help me to get a good salary. I know I cant do CA. Its way too hard to get thru. Which course would you suggest. I have no plans of settling outside India. Would prefer to go to another country for 2-3 yrs. VIVEK JOSHI says Divya all depends on how soon you want to clear and how well you prepare for the exams, CPA can be cleared in minimum 3-6 months depending on the preparation and performance in exams. on the other hand i feel the centre for appearing is making a lot of difference as middle east pass is around 20 while for US its around 50. would advice to better make proper analysis of the other details also before registering. and yeah its gonna be easier than CA Barath ram says Hi. This is is Barath Ram I am interested in doing CPA I would like to know what do u mean by 4 year bachelor s degree. I have my b com degree in correspondence in the prestigious university - University of Madras. Then I do posses a professional qualification - Chartered Accountant of India. Now am I eligible to appear for this exam. Please kindly find a solution for me 8230 And guide me the way to appear for this course. Regards Barath ram Stephanie Ng says Hi Barath, how many years did you go through your university It takes 4 years in the US but I understand it could be 2-3 years in other countries. To get qualified for this exam, you do need 4 years, either 4 years of bachelor, or 3 years bachelor 1 year of masters and so on. Preferably 5 years of higher education. Regards, Stephanie VIVEK JOSHI says Hey, This is Vivek here, i am in sheer confusion as to which course should i choose to complete at the earliest. CPA CFA CMA as i want to to get qualified for any one of the at the earliest and i am really ready to put into my best, i am already a Chartered Accountant in INDIA. i can finance myself for only one of the course at a time. rest i would expect my job after qualifying to support me. If i opt for CPA i would have to run from pillar to posts for getting a US Visa (Where pass is 50), while on the other had i have a option to appear in DUBAI as well (where the Pass is around 20) so what should be my best option and choice. hope someone would be able to guide me. sai santhosh says I am pursuing b 2nd year by 2017 i will get degree (23)will be completed. am a indian what is the process to become a cpa. is acca would be better Thank you so much for putting So much effort and work on this We really appreciate your time and help I have a situation and need your input. I have done my BCOm from Pakistan and completed 3 papers of ACca before I moved to US. Now I am in US and I am confused what to do next My transcprints have been evaluated and I am given Associate of arts equivalency. What should I pursue to be CPA My goal is to be US CPA. How much long do I have to study before I be one. I have work experience of 3 years in finance if they can help somewhere.. Thank you to eveyone in this forum for their contribution Stephanie Ng says Hi Somebody, nice to see you here If budget isn8217t an issue, I suggest you find a US university that would accept you transferring in the BCOM credits, then take more classes to graduate with a 4-year degree in the US. This would help you qualify for the exam, as well as helping you land a job in the meantime. I am not sure how the university considers the ACCA credits but worth including those in consideration as well. Let8217s see if it works and keep up updated Stephanie I am working as a project coordinator in water treatment company veolia. Interested in accounting field What should I do CPA or CMA I was willing to go for PMP but technically I am not strong because I am graduate in commerce 8216accounting8217 Please help me for selection I dont have any accounting experience Stephanie Ng says I have completed my BComMCom. Currently doing my CA from ICAI and CS from ICSI. I am looking forward to work abroad. I thought to opt for CPA but the procedure is very complex for International students. Sir, I have my family relatives in US and UK as well. Will this in anyway help me to complete my CPA procedureCPA course with ease With comparatively less cost Please guide me. Appearing from US is better or other countries Which is cost effective and comparatively simpler in process Stephanie Ng says Hi Nandani, yes, it is a very complicated process for international candidates, at least at this stage. You can save some money if you stay at your relative8217s home during the exam you take the exam in the US, but otherwise, there is little help in the application process. You don8217t have a choice but to take the exam in the US, unless you livework in Japan, Middle East andor Brazil. Indian candidates can also take the exam in the Middle East. Regards, Stephanie I have recently completed all 4 parts of the CPA exams and am about to start working for one of the Big 4 in the US. I will definitely try to get the CPA license. I8217m planning to work in the US for about 4 to 5 years (probably to Manager level at Big 4) and may relocate to Singapore down the road. Would you suggest I study for ACCA during my free time to facilitate my move to Singapore Would that help me find a job or do a internal transfer within my Big 4 to Singapore more easily As ACCA takes years to complete and I just finished my last CPA exam last month I don8217t feel like hitting the books for a while haha. Thank you for your advice Stephanie Ng says Hi Pham, I would go for the internal transfer route. Please do your own research, but from what I know, your US CPA is good enough for recognition in the Singapore office. If 4-5 years later you decide to stay within public accounting in Singapore for long-term, you may consider whether it is necessary to get the 8220default8221 qualification in Singapore. If then you decide to leave Big 4 and work in the industry, then there is no need to get ACCA in my opinion. Cheers, Stephanie Hello. I am have 2 more exams to finish CPA and I was planning on becoming IFRS certified as well and was considering ACCA. Is it true that if I am CPA, I only need to take P parts and exempt of all F parts I work for Big 4 and even though we have 99 of US GAAP clients, every once in a while we would have some IFRS related projects and I believe that USA is accepting ACCA as IFRS certification. Stephanie Ng says Hi zdravko, I am not too sure how US sees ACCA in terms of IFRS certification8230 generally though ACCA is a pretty tough exam and very few people would do it after getting the CPA. hello, I am from iran and i am planning to move to usa in a few years, i have bachelor degree of accounting There is no CPA exam being held in my country i just have the chance to study ACCA can i find job using my ACCA in us or i will just waste my money and time going for ACCA thanks in advance Stephanie Ng says Hi Shahrooz, Thanks for your note. You don8217t really need any qualifications to work in the accounting field, but obviously, it helps, especially when you move up the career ladder. ACCA is rarely recognized in the US to be honest8230 Maybe if you work for a regional company in US headquartered in a country that uses ACCA (e. g. UK) If ACCA is useful for your career in Iran, you can still go for it. so you think it is better for me to not spend time for ACCA at the moment, and wait till i get to USA then i start for CPA from the beginning if yes isnt master degree the requirement of CPA Stephanie Ng says It8217s really a personal decision Shahrooz8230 what I am saying is that ACCA, in my opinion, is not really recognized in the US. You can do more research and see if you agree with me. ACCA is not considered a master8217s degree in the US (it is instead a professional qualification) so it doesn8217t help with the CPA exam qualification. Regards, Stephanie Hello ladies and gentlemen, I really appreciate your sincere and honest zeal for accounting, business and finance career. As far as I know, ACCA is genuinely having a bigger role in today8217s society than US-CPA. Having ACCA qualification gives you several equivalence certifications about 11-13 of them including IFRS that a big carrier unlike CPA. In my opnion therefore, ACCA is global whereas CPA is ONLY us-centric qualification and I guess is typically designed to address only us financial gaps existing in us and this does not mean it has it all in one qualification. On the comment of entry requirements for ACCA against CPA, CPA requires Mastersbach of 4years8230.whyAppears CPA intends not to give broader technksknowledge in accounting8230just some how tackles some topics that should fundamentally have prior knowlegde to. In other words, CPA just polishes up8230note while you polish the shoes, it really looks clean but does not necessarilly mean it is clean. Back to ACCA-The reason the entry level is low I guess is because the course intends to createbuild in you professional carrier whereby you are formated to being THAT you dream to have as a careeractually digs deeper than CPA and as to why is globally recognized However, all accounting bodies are good respective of the countries where they are of. This is because there8217s nothing like 8220One is All8221 but generally what matters is career, skills and knowledge of something than qualification. Stephanie Ng says Thanks Derek for your sharing. It8217s very true that there isn8217t really a truly global designation for accountants at this stage, although all the big guys (AICPA, ACCA, and to a lesser extent Australia CPAs) are trying to be one. Note to other readers: Derek resides in one of the commonwealth countries and I do agree that in his country, ACCA is more recognized. Things could be quite different if one lives in the US, where most of my readers come from. Regards, StephanieACCA (THE ASSOCIATION OF CHARTERED CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS) ACCA established in 1904, ACCA is the global body for professional accountants with 147,000 ACCA members and 424,000 students in over 170 countries. Their aim is to offer business-relevant, first-choice qualifications to people of application, ability and ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. The ACCA Qualification is a professional qualification in accountancy which is well recognized around the world. The qualification develops accounting knowledge and skills as well as professional values. This means you can build a successful career as a finance professional in any sector. There is a strong focus on professional values, ethics and governance. This is essential because the profession is moving towards strengthened codes of conduct, regulation and legislation. And there is an increased focus on professionalism and ethics in accounting. The ACCA professional qualification: Equips you with international practical knowledge and skills which enable you to work in different countries around the world. Helps you build your confidence to take challenges in international professional working environment. Enables you to get head in your accounting, finance and audit professions. Allows you to gain the following awards on your way to ACCA membership: Diploma in Accounting amp Business Advanced Diploma in Accounting amp Business BSc (Hons) degree in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University. Gives you the opportunity to further pursue MBA of Oxford Brookes University after being an ACCA member. Career Prospects for ACCA Students, Affiliates and Members: Financial accounting Management accounting Audit Tax Budget control amp management Banking Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Chief Executive Office (CEO) Business Owner Who is ACCA Suitable for University graduates with accounting majors CAT affiliates Holders of ACCA8217s Diploma in Accounting amp Business 1 photo with size of 4 x 6 ID or birth certificate (translated in to English and notarized) or Passport For those who want to claim for exemption: Bachelor degree (translated in to English and notarized) University transcript (translated in to English and notarized) ACCA Syllabus: (14 papers) (passing mark: 50) Exemption is only considered on the basis of qualifications which contain relevant content to ACCA papers. Exemption will be confirmed at the time of a student8217s initial registration with ACCA. Exemption will be awarded only on provision of a student8217s completion certificate, academic transcript (and official English translations where appropriate). Holders of CAT qualification or ACCA8217s Diploma in Accounting amp Business will be exempted F1, F2 amp F3 of ACCA qualification. Please visit the following link for further information about exemption: accaglobalenstudentacca-qual-student-journeyexemptions. html Time Limit to Complete ACCA: Students will have seven years to pass the exams at the Professional level (P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5). There is no time limit for passing the Fundamental level. Average time to complete ACCA is 3 to 4 years Initial English Requirement: ACCA does not apply any initial English requirements To be able to study the ACCA programs, it is recommended that learners8217 English level is equivalent to IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 500 or successfully complete FTMS8217 English placement test Examinations and Initial Registration Requirements () Computer based examinations (CBE): available for the first 4 papers Organized and invigilated by FTMS Cambodia on a regular basis. Flexible to choose examination time Result will be displayed instantly on the computer screen at the end of the exam Deadline for initial registration: about 20 days before the CBE date. Paper based examination (PBE): available for all papers Organized by ACCA in March, June, September and December Examination time and dates are fixed Deadline for initial registration: about 20 days before the following exam registration deadlines: 17 Aug, 10 Nov amp 2 Feb for Mar exams 3 Nov, 16 Feb amp 3 May for Jun exams 9 Feb, 17 May amp 2 Aug for September exams 10 May, 16 Aug amp 1 Nov for Dec exams () FTMS will assist its students in initial registration and examination registration. What Should be Budgeted for ACCA () () Please contact FTMS for further information about tuition fees, discount policies, timetable and lecturer profiles. Why Choose to Study ACCA with FTMS FTMS is a Singaporean training company with more than 25 years of experience in providing tuition for professional qualifications in the world. FTMS is authorized by ACCA UK to organize FIAACCA computer based examinations in Cambodia. FTMS is awarded by ACCA UK the Gold and Platinum status for its centers around the world. They are prestigious recognition for ACCA tuition providers. FTMS training courses are conducted by ACCA local and international members with intensive lecturing experience, practical knowledge and skills in accounting, finance and audit FTMS provides tuitions for all ACCA papers with frequent intakes which will allow students to speed up their study. FTMS offers assistance to its ACCA students in initial registration and examination registration with ACCA UK FTMS offers assistance to its ACCA students who want to pursue ACCA study at FTMS Singapore or Malaysia FTMS has trained staff from KPMG, PwC, EY, BDO, ANZ Royal Bank and other international and local organizations. ACCA Preparation Course at FTMS Learners can choose either (1) to study the whole ACCA professional program (14 papers) to become ACCA UK members or (2) to study the chosen papers to improve the desired knowledge and skills. In the latter case, learners will be given a Certificate of Attendance at the end of the course. ACCA preparation courses are scheduled in the evenings and weekends which will not impact learners8217 working or studying schedule There are many ACCA intakes per year: January, April, July and October intakes: for papers F1 F4 to prepare for CBE January intake: for the other papers to prepare for PBE in June July intake: for the other papers to prepare for PBE in December ACCA preparation courses are conducted in combination of Khmer and English (for F1 8211 F3) and 100 in English (for the other papers) by experienced lecturers who are ACCA membersaffiliates Course structure is designed to enable learners to focus their study effectively for the exams. The course structure consists of: Orientation session . learners will be guided how to attend the ACCA preparation courses at FTMS effectively Teaching phases: lecturers will explain in details all key core areas of the topics, give illustration examples and guide students how to apply the knowledge and skills in the exam questions. Self study phases between contact classes . learners are given a study planners to review previous lessons and prepare for the coming lessons. Progress test . learners will be given progress test to justify what they have learned well and what they need to improve Revision phase: lecturers will summarize all the papers in a systematic way and practice exam questions for the whole paper syllabus. Mock exam: learners will be requested to sit for mock exams with ACCA exam format. Scripts will be marked with detailed feedback to enable learners to prepare well for the coming exams. For further information about ACCA courses in Cambodia, please contact 2nd Floor, Western University Building, Sangkat Boeung Kok II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh Mobile Phone: 855 (0) 010 92 55 45 Mobile Phone: 855 (0) 077 555 091Kothalawalage Don Hiran Sampath Kothalawala Studying in FTMSGlobal has not only improved my professional. it has also improved my English. In my view, FTMSGlobal is the best learning centre for business and hospitality management studies. Passed P2 on first attempt with FTMS Singapore Tom and the help of his student guide book on group accounting. Definitely one of the best P2 lecturer. I didnt believe how good is Tom until I took the class and passed my P2. Dear Lecturer Rama, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent teaching skills and courteous personality that has helped me tremendously through my journey at FTMSGlobal Academy in Singapore. Without your helpfulness and directness, school would have been more challenging. I appreciate you being stern and letting me know what I am doing wrong along with giving my ways I can correct my mistakes. It is comforting to know that whenever I have a question you answer right away, which you know is all the time. I like that you refer to your personal study-related situations as examples when teaching a lesson along with regular course outline. I have learned so much from you and I look forward to learning more in future at FTMSGlobal Academy. Thank you for being a remarkable lecturer. I am very grateful to have you as my lecturer, while thanking my other lecturers and the management team under the wings of Chairman Mr. B S Mangat. It was a wonderful experience studying at FTMSGlobal academy and I will highly recommend FTMSGlobal Academy to those who want to develop their professional and entrepreneurial skills. I wish all the best in FTMSGlobal Academy. Sincerely, Kanapathy Indrakumar Charlotte Irene Lee Boon Wan Mr CK Fung, Despite 5 failed attempts for my last paper for ACCA P7 Professional Level, indeed, I have made a right choice to attend your class to refresh my audit knowledge and update changes. I have made it this time in June exam. Your teaching and excellent personalised lecture notes made my exam preparation so much easier. Once again, thanks to you as I managed to pass both F8 and P7 through your teaching. Your hard work will surely pay-off. Charlotte Irene Lee Boon Wan ACCA Feb 2014 Intake for P7 Paper I am Nimali Priyadarshani, a student from Diploma class - Hospitality and Tourism Management. I will be completing my course on 30th July and the reason why Im writing this letter to you is to thank you and all the lecturers and staff for their utmost support rendered me to have a worthy time period of studying at FTMSGlobal and also the great support and guidance given me to expose myself into a bright future filled with many opportunities. I believe this is the right time for me to write this letter, as Im completing my studies as well as I have been selected to do my On the Job Training for Marina Bay Sands. Im really thankful to the school as I believe this is a golden opportunity for me as a beginner in the hospitality trade, who wants to build up the career and excel in the same trade. Also, I would like to specially mention and a very big thank goes to Ms. Rama for all the efforts and correct guidance provided as it was a great help for me in focusing on which path I should take in order to build up my career. Her guidance made us to be known for the opportunities available for us in this trade and how we should build up ourselves not only as professionals but also as well disciplined professionals. I believe as a student I have taken the use of most of her efforts and now waiting for more doors to be opened in the future. I also thank Ms. Swathi who handled OJT related matters very systematically while cooperating with us smoothly. I thank FTMSGlobal Academy and wish all the best for all future endeavors. Nimali Priyadarshani Student - DHTM Master of Business Administration It is great decision to select MBA programme from Anglia Ruskin University. I have strengthened my ability by enjoying the multinational atmosphere in Singapore. FTMSGlobal Academy is an ideal place for me to take this next step in my life, the place which will turn me from just another professional to a bonafide leader in future. While studying here i grew as an individual, learning to interact and talk to people from different and multicultural background. I came to Singapore, far away from India as I wanted to study within a global perspective that would enable me to learn about Asia Pacific emerging markets. This MBA is more than meeting my criteria through its location in top class global city (Singapore) that is positioned strategically in Asiarsquos emerging markets and learning so much on so many different levels, all the time and making some amazing students for the lifetime. FTMSGlobal is not only professional in teaching international student, but is also good at taking care of students with superb and fantastic staffs. Studying at FTMSGlobal is one of my best decisions ever. BA (Hons) Business Management I knew that FTMSGlobal will provide me with the holistic all-rounded education I needed and I wasnt mistaken. FTMSGlobal core values are good for me as they are strong social values which are important in life. Our school is good, they arrange student activities that are enjoyable and I am happy being a part of student union. Facilities, location and environment are excellent for students to learn to be tomorrows professionals. Master of Business Administration FTMSGlobal is one of the most professional and experienced private education in Singapore since it was established in year 1986. FTMSGlobal is a strong and global institution with registered 4 years EduTrust. FTMSGlobal live by its core values and inculcate this in the staff and students and this has benefited me as FTMSGlobal is grooming me today to be tomorrows professional. FTMSGlobal classrooms are spacious and conductive enough for me to study. The city centre campus is beautifully located on the ground floor and students benefit from the location and the surrounding environment of business, leisure and convenient transportation - 5 steps from MRT station into the campus. Master of Business Administration First and foremost I offer my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor Mr Wong Kit Chee and my lecturer Mr Soumen Ganguly, who have been marvellous mentors for me since I studied in facing of many challenges as a MBA student. I truly appreciate FTMSGlobal Academy who was on behalf of Anglia Ruskin University to offer me MBA course from which I have gained enormous benefits and a Master Degree of Business Administration with Merit ultimately. In my opinion, FTMSGlobal is a college based on the principle of people-oriented. The staff provided me excellent service. As an international student who came from China, FTMSGlobal made me feel at home. I was learning in FTMSGlobal with pleasure and wonderful memories. The capable lecturers are the assurances for the quality of education. The lecturers, who are both knowledgeable and ethical, treat international students with their great patience, so that I could devote myself to my assignments and studies with flying colours. I was able to comprehend the profound essence of MBA courses through not only their vast knowledge but also their dedication for the daily work, the tireless coaching and the persuasive guidance. Luckily, I was to choose FTMSGlobal as my education provider to complete my MBA course successfully. Itrsquos my honour to share my experience to more students for acknowledgement of FTMSGlobalrsquos excellent teaching. Master of Business Administration The Anglia Ruskin Universityrsquos MBA provides a deep understanding of the classic and new disciplines of business management field, preparing me to walk into any business or function and add value towards my future growth. This MBA programme develops my capacity to transform my knowledge to the businesses and ensures me to have real opportunity to test those skills with Industry Partners. A beautiful campus setting in Singapore - FTMSGlobal Academy at PWC Building, classmates from many different cultures and their backgrounds, lecturers with interesting insights into current best industry practice and academic thinking, an intimate class-tutor environment, a focus on individual personal development, a team-based approach to assignments so essential in business today and multiple company projects offering the immediate opportunity to apply academic learning all of these made the MBA programme a truly stimulating experience, and a very worthwhile investment in terms of both personal and professional development. Doing the MBA in FTMSGlobal in Singapore is a life-changing experience for me. Coming from a non-profit management background, many facets of the world of business is new to me and I found the course to be of an exceptional quality and easy to follow. Being an international student and travelling from China for the first time to Singapore added to my anxiety of study. The programme is designed and administered so seamlessly that I not only felt lsquothe warm welcomersquo but, my faculty and peers became a support system throughout my staying as well as a good networking relationship for life time. This, for me, is the biggest strength of the FTMSGlobal Academyrsquos MBA. Master of Business Administration The MBA programme from Anglia Ruskin University offers students an incredible opportunity to develop their leadership and personal management skills through constructive interactions and team works. I have the chance to attend this course thanks to FTMGlobal Academy in Singapore for the period of one year as full-time student. The environment in the campus is really captivating and motivating, lecturers are always available to any of my requirement and very helpful in my learning. The collegersquos emphasis on collaboration, sharing information and ideas among my fantastic classmates and colleagues makes FTMSGlobal Academy the perfect choice for the MBA course. I consider my experience in FTMSGlobal Academy to be one of the best moments I ever had and I am much confident this has been the best opportunity to grow up as both person and businessman. I am truly pleased with my ACCA P3 paper results. Mr Marty Windle has been very encouraging and supportive throughout the course and he instilled in us the technique of grasping the main points and applying them in various scenarios. Renata Agata Lichtenecker I would like to thank FTMSGlobal and the lecturers for the steadfast support that I received in order to achieve the prize winner award for the ACCA F4 Law Paper. It shows me that a combination of hardwork, good study and lecturer support are essentials for targets that we set for ourselves. I am happy to have chosen a good college and hope to be able to rely on FTMSGlobal for my future papers. Terimakasih banyak. It is difficult to hide the delight on hearing that I have scored good results for my ACCA P3 paper. FTMSGlobal has to be given deserving credit for the wonderful lecturer they have and the support I had in focusing on the paper. The lecturer had been thoroughly professional in providing knowledge and technique on exam success. Whilst I owe this achievement to steadfastness and drive - ACCA papers are difficult to pass - I would also like to thank the wonderful college and the lecturers for their support and guidance. I always found the financial industry very interesting and exciting. So I did some research and spoke to some of my friends, who encouraged me to take the ACCA Course at my institution. It is a challenge to work and study at the same time but I just try to manage it. At times, I skip some lessons because Im too tired from work but I make it up by studying what I missed in class. The lecturers are great at spotting exam questions. Their lectures are very helpful and their slides are usually very informative. I made the right choice. It is very easy to travel to FTMSGlobal as it is next to Raffles Place MRT station. It is also very easy to communicate with our teachers since the class sizes are kept to 20 students or less. It is not just what youll learn. Its how youll tackle the exam questions too. Lecturers tips are priceless FTMSGlobal has a good class schedule and comprehensive coverage of syllabus. The lecturers are very committed. Uong Si Minh Luong BA (Hons) Business Management I really value my education at FTMSGlobal Academy for many reasons. First, I get to learn about many things I never knew about. Another reason is that the teachers here really care about you and your education. Also, I have a lot of chances to make up work during the week. Tutoring is also available after school for those students who donrsquot understand something. I also have the opportunity to join a variety of clubs, such as the soccer club. I also get to learn many things which I never knew before. Lastly, this school has a safe learning environment and I learn many things here. These are some of the many reasons why I value my education at FTMSGlobal Academy in Singapore Studying in Singapore especially at FTMSGlobal Academy is very unique as there are good styles of teaching, decent facilities and conducive environment that can motivate anyone to pursue their studies without regret. When researching for courses, I realized that studying at FTMSGlobal in Singapore is like studying in the UK and USA, because most of the things that are taught in the UK and USA are also taught at FTMSGlobal at the same level. Another thing that I really admire Singapore for is that the methods and ideas that they use to host foreign student is remarkable. Thank you very much for all knowledge and skill that FTMSGlobal have taught us All the best for you. Best regards Uong Si Minh Luong ldquoItrsquos like a dream come true. Having completed my CIMA in Sri Lanka, I had the opportunity to follow an MBA programme from Anglia Ruskin University, UK by FTMSGlobal Academy in Singapore. I was glad that with my CIMA membership and my work experience, I was allowed 90 credits exemption (a weightage of 50) which gave me a shorter period of time to complete the MBA. Upon completion, I got the opportunity to join a leading Singapore company at a Managerial position and also obtained a S-pass to work in Singapore. The salary scale is quite impressive too. rdquo G. Kharthick, Sri Lanka I have been studying at FTMSGlobal Singapore for one and a half year. The enthusiasm of lecturers, the friendliness of class-mates, the supporting of staffs and modern studying facilities here has made my time with FTMSGlobal Singapore memorable. All the lecturers here are very experienced and excellent. They help us prepare not only for exams but also for future career. They are always available to answer any questions and every student is paid attention individually. I will cherish the lessons and experiences here for the rest of my life. Siti Rahimah Binte Sardar All students preparing for the ACCA Exams must attend IRC Diploma in HotelManagement The two years I spend at FTMS were the best two years of my educational life. It was a new experience to live and to study in a foreign country away from home. I was able to make good friends and to mingle withcolleagues from all over the world because at FTMS it is a multicultural society. The support I got from the lecturers and staff was endless. FTMS has always been a home away from home. I was studying CTH hotelmanagement and the teacher in charge of hotel management Ms. Kasturi Dhanapal she has always been theguidance behind our achievements. All thanks to my lecturers I was able to pass all my subjects in first attempt with flying colors. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my lecturers, staff at FTMSGLOBAL ACADEMY for the endless support you gave me. I wish all the very best to the collage. Diploma in Hotel Management I am a 2011 graduate in Diploma in Hotel Management. The diploma has helped me matriculate at the school to continue my education in a Bachelor of Hotel Management. The support and courage that I received every time I walked into class was excellent. The course has equipped me with the tools and knowledge that I need to continue my education in graduate school Ninderpal Kaur Udai Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management I am very thankful to all my teachers and the management of FTMSGlobal Academy to have guided me through a successful path. I was sent here for 6 months OJT and now I am proud to say that I am an outlet manager in MOS Burger Singapore. Mohamed Luthufi Hasni Ahamed Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management When I came to Singapore in February 2011. I was very unsure about my future and I didnt have the confident that I can face the real hospitality world but now I am a very confident person and able to take pressures and challenges. This is all because of the training and guidance given to me by FTMSGlobal Academy to me, they trusted my capabilities and sent me to Mandarin Orchard Hotel, Singapore for 6 months OJT. Today, I can make up 16 rooms per day all by myself, I know how to meet guest satisfaction from the housekeeping point of view. Thanks to Mandarin Orchard Hotel Singapore and FTMSGlobal Academy. Good Day. Just an update, I have scored 54 marks for P2 Corporate Reporting, June 2012 exam and is very pleased with my result. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your delicated teaching and guidance in P2 Corporate Reporting. I would definitely recommend you to anyone who wishes to take P2 in future. Thank you once again ) Yeah I had 89 for f5 though. Just disappointed I didnt score high for f6 because you made f6 my favourite subject. You will definitely see me in p6 next time. Thanks for your effort and time consuming for attending my question. Under such good teacher, sure, I would not let him disappointed. I did it, and PAST. Once again THANKS. Hope you will conduct higher level tax course in future. Thank you for your guidance. I have passed my P2. Khee Soon aka Derek (For Mr Billy Ang) Thank you very much, I have passed P2 62. Professional Certificate in English I love FTMSGlobal. All lecturers and staff are friendly and very smart. The location of the campus is fantastic and it is located in the city. I also like the football team Balestier Khalsa Football Club supported by FTMSGlobal. I will recommend my friends to come here to study. It is also cheaper to study here than my country and the quality of education is very good. I also love the facilities especially the library because I can find all the books I need. Professional Certificate in English I learned English in FTMS. The lecturers are very interesting. Initially, I didnt understand English but now I am able to use English to communicate with others. BA (Hons) Business Management I am a student of FTMSGlobal Academy. I studied Diploma, Higher Diploma and now BA (Hons) Business Management from Anglia Ruskin University. The lecturers at FTMSGlobal are very good and I am able to pursue my studies with no problem. The school is caring and all staff are friendly and helpful. I am happy to be a student at FTMSGlobal Academy, Singapore. Diploma in Accounting and Finance I chose FTMSGlobal Academy to continue my studies (Accounting and Finance) is mainly because the reputation of the school in accounting and finance major. FTMSGlobal is well-known for its ACCA course and best lecturers in Singapore compare to other private school. Beside that the course fee is reasonable and acceptable for me as I come from the middle class family. After I enrolled to FTMSGlobal, I feel that the lecturers is very friendly and try their best to help students who have many problems such as language barrier and assignments. Usually not all lecturer want to spend their free time to teach us, so I really appreciate it. Beside that, there are also many foreign students enrolled here which give me opportunity to learn other countries cultures and communicate with them eventhough there is a language barrier. Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management FTMS College is best for all student. They care for students. I am satisfy to college services. I am very happy to join this college. Professional Certificate in English I find the English Language course good because the teacher is very friendly. As a foreign student, my English is weak and the teacher was patient and helped me to strengthen my reading and vocabulary skills. The teacher is helpful and I like the FTMS school environment as well. This is the best English class that Ive attended. Nguyen Ngoc Viet Cuong Professional Certificate in English I enjoy my English classes because I had good opportunities to speak and interact with other students. The course provided a lot of reading, writing and listening exercises. The course materials are interesting and varied. I found it easy to follow and achieve the learning targets with the help of my teacher. Professional Certificate in English I enjoyed my English Course very much. My English Teacher, Elizabeth, is very, very nice and loving to all students. She is by nature, very polite and friendly. Her teaching is clear and systematic. But having said this, I feel all. FTMS English teachers are very, very good I am very grateful to our teacher Mr BIlly Ang. His advices and guides helped me a lot. All I had to do was to follow his instruction. Being attentive in lecture and revising afterward. Just as Billy says helped me in exam. I consider myself very lucky to have chosen FTMSGlobal to pursue my ACCA. The staff and lecturers are really friendly and caring. The lecturers are very good and are able to guide me to do well for my exams. I manage to pass P3. Thanks Amanda teh chai ngoh I m amanda, your P3 day class student (jun 2011). I passed my P3--- 73 :)) I would like to thank you for your time amp effort in marking our homework, emphasize on 3 apples amp 3 eggs , stress on the important of time management, our check list. the fun lessons with jokes amp funny examples :))) You are the best lecturer, not because of my score, is because of your sincererity in helping the students amp taking your great effort to point out our individual mistake amp the areas that we can improve further. your willingness of going extra miles to help the student is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU amp YOU ARE FANTASTIC LECTURER Amanda teh chai ngoh BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance Herewith, I would like to express my happiness and honor to be a student of FTMS. I have been studying for more than two years in FTMS. After successfully completing my Higher Diploma in Accounting and Finance awarded by FTMSGlobal Academy, I pursued the BSc(Hons) in Accounting amp Finance degree awarded by Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), UK with the same institute. During my course of study at the FTMS I was able to fulfil my lifelong learning desire with a well experienced panel of lecturers. My heartfelt gratitude goes to my thesis supervisor who helped me all the way and he was readily available for me at every time. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all other lecturers in FTMS who guided me and gave me both moral and academic support over the last two years. I greatly appreciate the administrative staff support and services that were rendered, especially when urgent correspondences with the university in UK were required. As I was an external student and being a first batch I needed their fullest co-operation for every single issue occurred during my university studies. They helped me to overcome all the difficulties not only for peer life but also in personal life too. Because of that, FTMS is such a wonderful place that I have ever been in my life with unforgettable nice memories. Without them and their support I wonrsquot be able to achieve my tasks on time. It is always a difficult decision to take when choosing to study an overseas course at a local institute. However, I chose the right place which has excellent facilities with diverse environment. All the students were friendly even though they were from different countries and cultures. However, I enjoyed the company of the international students including lecturers, staff and fellow classmates who inspired me to stay positive, strong and kept me moving forward through challenges and hard times in my life. I would absolutely recommend FTMS for all students who are willing to further their studies. I wish FTMS continuous success English CAT ACCA Hi, Irsquom from Sri Lanka, Irsquove chose FTMSGlobal Academy to study English Course CAT ACCA and my choice was awesome. Now Irsquom ready to leave FTMS, and for this period, I gained good knowledge and understanding in my Accounting and Finance field more willingly than exam focus. FTMSGlobalrsquos lecturers, admin support, hospitality, library, computer labs and locations are really excellent. Irsquom sincerely thanking the whole FTMSGlobal team and I will recommend it to those students who would like to study ACCA. BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance To the Management, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my lecturer Dr. Wong Kit Chee who taught me in various semesters of my 3rd year Bachelor Degree (Accounting and Finance) class at the ARU external degree programme. I greatly appreciate the many helps and attention with untold effort that he has imparted and shared with us in class as well as the many case study materials and notes, past year questions and answers and he drafted in his lectures and tutorials with many relevant industry examples from April 2010 to early Feb 2011 at FTMSGlobal Academy. As a result of his untiring efforts to help us succeed, all of us in class received an impressive success rate of 100 passes for all those modules he taught us. In particular, I received a credit for my International Business, a Distinction grade for my Strategic Management Analysis, and another Distinction grade for my final year Undergraduate Major Project (Dissertation). The skills and knowledge which I have acquired and learned in class will help me in my job and career as well as for my personal development. He is an excellent lecturer who has inspired me most to continue learning with a positive mindset. I appreciate very much for his helps, inspiration and efforts. Once again, thank you very much and I take this opportunity to wish him well and success at FTMSGlobal Academy Singapore. Terima kasih. BA (Hons) Business Management I have been privileged to be a student of FTMSGlobal for the last two years. I have enjoyed completing both the Diploma and Higher Diploma in Business Management with good results. My performance enabled me to obtain a scholarship from FTMSGlobal to read for the degree in Business Management. I am delighted with the prospect of continuing my studies here at this prestigious institution. While being enthusiastic to complete my degree in this Institution from which I have learnt so much, I remain indebted to my lecturers. Thanking the Management, Staff and Lecturers at FTMSGlobal Academy for the scholarship, I am honoured. Finally I passed P3 with your notes) In this exam, i listened how to chose the Section (B) question )) Tks for your best advice during the class. FTMSGlobal Scholarship Schemes FTMSGlobal offers the following scholarships every year to deserving students. FTMSGlobal Full Scholarship Award available at entry level Students who score an aggregate of seven or less for the best six subjects in their O LevelSPM examinations are entitled to apply for these scholarship awards. These awards are available at entry level for all academic programmes undertaken at FTMSGlobal. The Scholarship award is equivalent to the fees for our courses. FTMSGlobal Hardship Scholarship Award This scholarship award is available to existing students who have become financially deprived due to the inability of their parents guardians to support the students study at FTMSGlobal. This scholarship award is for the balance of fees outstanding to the institution. The inability of their parentsguardians to support the student may result from accidents, hospitalisation, death or loss of employment. The FTMSGlobal Hardship Scholarship is only available for FTMSGlobal courses. FTMSGlobal Chairmans Merit Scholarship The FTMSGlobal Chairmans Merit Scholarship is available to FTMSGlobal students with outstanding academic achievements in the following programmes: Professional Accounting and Finance (from 2013 onwards) Country Subject Prize Winners 1st place - SGD 250 2nd place - SGD 150 3rd place - SGD 50 World Subject Prize Winners 1st place - SGD 500 2nd place - SGD 300 3rd place - SGD 100 Top 3 Affiliates (Final Professional Papers taken with FTMSGlobal) Gold - SGD 1,000 Silver - SGD 500 Bronze - SGD 250 Top Three places in country for final examination (Core papers): 1st place - SGD 500 2nd place - SGD 250 3rd place - SGD 150Engineering amp Computing Sciences amp Business Scholarships are awarded to best students for the Diploma. Details available at each centre. Scholarship is given to prize winners to offset against the next paper enrolments Student Support Matters FTMSGlobals Course Counselling and Student Support Our academic course consultants and subject specialist lecturers are highly experienced to answer all queries and guide each student through the management and their period of study at FTMSGlobal Academy. The consultants discuss with students their academic needs and propose the most relevant programmes to achieve their education and career objectives. Our subject specialist lecturers provide extra time to students who needs more learning support in different contexts, use different teaching strategies to accomplish various goals and many means for evaluating students knowledge and assessing students approaches to learning. The more engaged a student is in school, the better the academic performance and achievement. Conducive Environment for Study Lecture Theatres and Classrooms FTMSGlobalrsquos 8 Classrooms, 1 Lecture Theatre and 2 Computer Labs have conducive atmosphere to enhance the studentsrsquo concentration and learning experience. The facilities are equipped with the latest projection systems, visualizers and multimedia capabilities. Our well-stocked library reflects all the programmes of study offered by FTMSGlobal. The Academic Board made up of subject specialists ensure that up-to-date references, books, periodicals, information files, overseas journals and recreational reading materials are available to meet the demand of the students. Computer Labs To meet the needs of the high technology world, our computer labs are fully equipped with the latest computer terminals and workstations. The Local Area Network (LAN) is multimedia-enabled and linked to the Internet at high speed connections. With an ergonomically designed concept, our computer labs are built to maximise studentsrsquo learning. FTMSGlobal ensures that students are exposed to the latest technologies, providing students with real life hands-on experience. The IT infrastructure is continuously enhanced through the injection of new technologies, and therefore keeping up with the changing needs. Our IT and network platforms include: High end Windows-enabled PCs High speed broadband Internet connections up to 6 Mbps Optical fiber cabling Popular programming languages and latest software packages

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